This PESTLE/PESTEL analysis of Verizon Communications Inc. shows strategic opportunities and threats based on external factors in the remote or macro-environment of the telecommunications industry. The PESTEL/PESTLE analysis model identifies opportunities and threats based on political, economic, social or sociocultural, technological, ecological or environmental, and legal factors or trends affecting the industry. In this case, such external factors influence various areas of Verizon, including its operations in the wireless telecommunications market. For example, this PESTEL analysis shows growth opportunities based on the development of information and communication networks. This PESTLE analysis also shows that addressing the opportunities and threats based on the external factors in the remote or macro-environment ensures Verizon’s growth and profitability.
The results of this PESTLE analysis of Verizon Communications Inc. can guide strategic management. Managers can evaluate business performance and market conditions through this external analysis. For example, this PESTEL analysis provides information for evaluating Verizon’s wireless services. Considering the varying degrees of significance of external factors, the company implements strategies that match the condition of the telecommunications industry environment to address the opportunities and threats in target markets.
Political Factors in Verizon’s Business
In this component of the PESTEL analysis, the effects of governments on Verizon and the industry environment are considered. Governmental policies and actions can impose limits or create opportunities for business growth in the remote or macro-environment. In this case of Verizon Communications Inc., the following political factors are notable in the industry:
- Governmental move to open markets (opportunity and threat)
- Increasing governmental support for infrastructure development (opportunity)
- Increasing governmental support for free public Wi-Fi hotspots (opportunity)
Governmental policies for further opening markets for trade is an external factor that creates opportunities for Verizon’s business growth. For example, based on this macro-environmental factor, the company can grow by expanding the operations of its wireless services, while taking advantage of business opportunities in other markets. In this PESTLE analysis, the same external factor presents a weak threat in terms of the potential of other firms to globally compete with Verizon. Also, the increasing governmental support for infrastructure development, including telecommunications infrastructure development, adds to the growth and expansion opportunities noted in this PESTEL analysis. On the other hand, the increasing governmental support for free public Wi-Fi presents an opportunity for Verizon’s wireless services to expand and promote its services by cooperating with governments for this endeavor. Thus, external factors create opportunities for growth and expansion in the industry environment, as shown in this component of the PESTLE analysis of Verizon.
Economic Factors Relevant to Verizon
The influence of economic trends on Verizon and its remote or macro-environment is determined in this component of the PESTLE analysis. The conditions of the telecommunications industry environment depend on the economic situation. In this regard, Verizon Communications Inc. must strategically account for the following economic factors:
- Increasing disposable incomes in developing countries (opportunity)
- High economic growth rates of developing countries (opportunity)
- Competition based on decreasing information asymmetry (threat)
This PESTEL analysis considers increasing disposable incomes in developing countries as a macro-environmental factor that leads to opportunities in the industry environment. For example, Verizon can exploit this external factor by establishing operations in developing countries to target customers in the wireless telecommunications market. The high economic growth rates of developing countries also contribute to this growth and expansion opportunity in this PESTLE analysis context. On the other hand, the decreasing information asymmetry is attributed to Verizon’s target customers’ ability to compare products based on the widespread availability of information. For instance, online information empowers customers to influence the remote or macro-environment. In this PESTLE analysis, such an external factor is a threat because it increases the bargaining power of customers over service providers, like Verizon. This external analysis highlights information availability as an enabling factor for customers to impose their demands on the company and contribute to competition. Verizon’s generic strategy for competitive advantage and intensive strategies for growth help exploit the opportunities identified in this component of the PESTEL analysis.
Social Factors in Verizon’s Business Environment
This component of the PESTEL analysis of Verizon Communications Inc. deals with social conditions and trends. Sociocultural trends significantly impact the behaviors of customers and employees, thereby also influencing firms and the remote or macro-environment of the telecommunications industry. The following social factors are notable in Verizon’s industry environment:
- High adoption rate for mobile technology (opportunity and threat)
- Increasing use of online mobile services (opportunity and threat)
- Increasing demand for high quality in products (opportunity)
The increasing adoption of mobile technology creates opportunities for Verizon to grow its operations in the wireless telecommunications market. In the PESTLE analysis, this external factor corresponds to increasing demand for wireless telecommunications services. Also, the increasing use of online mobile services is a macro-environmental trend that further contributes to the increasing demand for wireless telecommunications services. However, these two external factors present threats by making the remote or macro-environment more attractive to more firms, thereby potentially increasing competition, which is determined as a major external force in the Five Forces analysis of Verizon. On the other hand, this PESTEL analysis identifies the company’s growth opportunities based on the increasing demand for high-quality products. Verizon can improve its market presence and customer loyalty by emphasizing high quality in promoting its services. The factors in this part of the external analysis help guide the evolution of Verizon’s organizational culture (corporate culture) to address social concerns. Thus, there are business growth opportunities in this component of the PESTLE analysis.
Technological Factors in Verizon’s Business
In this component of the PESTLE analysis, the effects of technological trends on Verizon and the remote or macro-environment are evaluated. For instance, this external analysis considers how technologies determine the infrastructure and capabilities of Verizon in the wireless telecommunications industry environment. Technologies also affect the other areas of the business. Verizon must develop strategies to deal with the following technological factors:
- Widespread development of information and communications networks around the world (opportunity)
- Security threats via network or information technologies (threat)
- Rapid advancement of information and communications technologies (threat and opportunity)
There are opportunities for global business growth and expansion based on the external factor of the widespread development of information and communications networks around the world. For example, Verizon can invest in operations in new markets to expand its business, based on the availability of new wireless telecommunications infrastructure in various areas in the United States and other countries. However, security threats are a macro-environmental factor that presents business challenges relevant to this PESTEL analysis. These security threats have the potential to weaken the integrity and stability of the network and information technologies of Verizon. On the other hand, the rapid advancement of information and communications technologies helps facilitate business growth in the industry environment by enabling firms to improve their technological performance. The emphasis on technology in Verizon’s vision statement and mission statement supports growth and expansion based on this technological trend. Nonetheless, the same trend is identified as a threat in this part of the PESTLE analysis. For example, rapid technological advancement can disrupt the remote or macro-environment. This disruption can open the market to new players and substitutes. Therefore, this component of the PESTEL analysis shows the importance of capitalizing on technology to grow Verizon Communications Inc., and the importance of continuous improvement to strengthen the business.
Ecological/Environmental Factors
The influence of the natural environment is determined in this component of the PESTEL analysis of Verizon Communications Inc. Ecological trends are determinants of the industry environment through the natural conditions and resources affecting firms. In this PESTLE analysis case, Verizon’s business is subject to the influence of the following ecological factors in the telecommunications industry:
- Natural disasters affecting infrastructure (threat)
- Increasing availability of renewable energy (opportunity)
- Increasing emphasis on business sustainability (opportunity)
This part of the external analysis identifies natural disasters as a significant threat to business, in terms of potential damage to infrastructure, such as the telecommunications infrastructure that supports Verizon’s services. In this PESTEL analysis, such an external factor has the potential to reduce or stop the company’s operations. On the other hand, the remote or macro-environment presents opportunities based on the increasing availability of renewable energy. This macro-environmental factor can improve firms’ sustainability efforts. Verizon’s corporate social responsibility strategy can include this external factor to support corporate citizenship programs. Sustainability efforts and corporate citizenship programs address the increasing emphasis on business sustainability in the industry environment. The combination of the external factors in this component of the PESTLE analysis prompts Verizon Communications Inc. to exploit opportunities for its corporate social responsibility fulfillment.
Legal Factors
This component of the PESTLE analysis deals with the influence of laws and legal systems on Verizon and its remote or macro-environment. Laws and regulations impose restrictions and requirements on the company’s operations in the telecommunications industry. The legal factors in the industry environment of Verizon are as follows:
- Competition law (threat and opportunity)
- Increasing regulation of telecommunications services (threat)
- Increasing consumer protection (threat and opportunity)
Competition law, anti-trust law, or anti-monopoly law is an external factor that imposes a threat and opens an opportunity in the industry environment considered in this PESTEL analysis. This macro-environmental factor is a threat that hinders the growth and expansion of business. For example, Verizon is prohibited from engaging in mergers and acquisitions that bring the telecommunications market closer to a monopoly. Nonetheless, this legal factor helps keep growth opportunities by limiting mergers involving large competitors, like AT&T, T-Mobile, and Alphabet’s Google Fiber. On the other hand, security issues contribute to the regulation of telecommunications services. This PESTLE analysis determines increasing regulation as a threat in the remote or macro-environment, in terms of potential limits to business operations. For instance, regulations can restrict Verizon’s services for the purpose of minimizing data and personal security issues. Also, consumer protection creates increasing pressure on the industry to address such issues. Still, this external analysis shows that increasing consumer protection can boost business growth by supporting consumer confidence in the industry. Therefore, this component of the PESTEL analysis points to compliance as a basic step to minimize the negative influence of legal factors on Verizon.
Summary & Recommendations – PESTLE/PESTEL Analysis of Verizon
Summary. The telecommunications market presents a variety of opportunities and threats that influence Verizon’s business development. This PESTLE analysis identifies external factors that create opportunities for growth and expansion in the global industry environment. Optimization of such growth and expansion is possible through high economies of scale and the other business strengths identified in the SWOT analysis of Verizon. This PESTEL analysis shows that the company has the potential to effectively address the most significant opportunities in its remote or macro-environment. For example, Verizon has the capabilities to address market opportunities based on economic, political, social, and technological macro-environmental factors. Exploiting such opportunities can mitigate the effects of many of the threats shown in this external analysis.
Recommendations. It is prudent to take action to support international business growth and expansion, based on the macro-environmental factors identified in this external analysis. Given the results of the PESTEL/PESTLE analysis of the opportunities and threats relevant to the industry environment, it is recommended that Verizon Communications Inc.:
- Expand operations to other markets to address opportunities based on political, economic, sociocultural, and technological factors in this PESTEL analysis. Expanding the operations of Verizon’s wireless services is a major opportunity in this case.
- Enhance security measures to address security threats via network or information technologies.
- Increase utilization of renewable energy to improve sustainability and corporate citizenship status related to the ecological factors in this PESTEL analysis.
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